Smile Your Way To Happiness!

So many people go through their day to day wishing they could be happier. I’ve been depressed, stressed out, miserable and angry for many years in the past.  When I was in the midst of all these emotions, I thought the only person it was taking a toll on was myself. I felt that I was misunderstood, and of low worth to the world. Enough of the negative things I used to think and feel, that was how things were in the past.  It just so happens to be that none of those things were true at all.  The negative energy that I put off had a major affect on the people around me. In turn the people around them were affected and so on.  I was wrong in feeling misunderstood.  Everyone has feelings like this at times in their lives, and understands what it is like.  What I came to understand is that happiness is a choice.  I need to choose on a daily basis to be happy.  One way I stay happy throughout the day is…. drum roll please…. SMILING!  I know it sounds simple and silly, but it works.  Simply making yourself smile throughout your day will work wonders in terms of being a happy person.  Try, I promise it will make a big difference.  Even if you feel like you have no reason to smile, force it. It won’t solve all of your problems, but it will help tremendously.  I hope this advice proves useful, feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree, or if you try it. I would love to hear if it worked or not.  

Today’s Youth

ImageWhat2Do about the type of things our teenagers today find fun, and funny is beyond me.  Cowardice mixed with violence seems to be the trend lately. Don’t get me wrong, I know violence, and thugs are nothing new, but today just seems to be worse than I ever could have imagined.  Contrary to what I may have thought about how to respond to such a thing as the “Knockout Game” just a year or two ago, I don’t believe violence is the right answer.  I wish it was that simple, but it is that kind of thinking that creates the type of people who partake in this sort of thing.  The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over, expecting different results.  Just the other day in Manhattan, I saw a horrible act of bullying happening right in front of me.  Inside I wanted to physically teach those kids a lesson, but I knew that would just make things worse.  All I could do is step in and calmly stop the situation.  All I know is it’s a sad example of the state of the youth today… foolish.

Make Babysitting fun!

My wife and I are babysitting our nephew tonight. We are always looking for fun things to do that don’t invlolve television.  Tonight, being that it is close to Christmas, we are in luck!  There are so many things that will hold a child’s interest at this time of the year.  So, tonight we will be baking Christmas tree ornaments! We just had to google a recipe for salt dough ornaments.Image